Racial Justice and the Church: A Conversation
A group of parishioners has been meeting from time to time over the last few months to talk about racial justice and racial inequality. We have been discussing how we as a church, as we seek to follow Christ, can address these issues in our own community, and through this engagement help to bring about a fairer and more equal society. At each meeting we have listened to a range of black voices either in the press or through video clips. Sunday 2nd August was our third meeting and we heard clips from Revd Azariah France-Williams (priest in the Diocese of Manchester, Chine Macdonald (Head of Fundraising and Community Engagement, Christian Aid), and Dr Anthony Reddie (Theologian, University of Oxford). At the same time the Saturday morning book group is reading ‘Ghost Ship’ by Revd Azariah France-Williams, who describes powerfully the prejudice he has experienced in his life and in his ministry.
The discussions have been open, honest and thoughtful and I hope they will continue after I move to Cambridge. This photo shows books that I would recommend to anyone who wishes to find out more about racial inequality in our society and the challenges that black people face.