Remembrance Sunday Bubble Church Service
Due to the second lockdown, Bubble Church returned to Zoom. Having done this for almost six months we were well rehearsed. However, it felt a bit strange in church without the buzz of children and families. Jeremy sang the songs and played the guitar. I played the tambourine quietly! Children participated in the bible reading, prayers and making poppies during the activity.
Fr Jeremy’s talk included the origins of poppies and how people wore them to remember those who gave their lives for others. Children and families were encouraged to have hope, love for others and to continue to be willing givers. The service ended with the usual wind up Amen!
The prayers below were written and read by children and we ended with our usual wind up Amen!

Dear God
Today we remember the dedicated men and women
who serve and have served in our armed forces.
Thank you for those who have fought for our country.
May we always take the time to remember their sacrifice
and that without their bravery our lives could have been so very different,
without the freedom we so much enjoy.
We thank them for what they did for us.
Dear God
We pray for those who have been injured or disabled though war.
For those who have lost loved ones, homes and security through conflict.
For those who face danger and take risk for peace.
For those especially children, caught up in current conflicts and for refugees and all those in need of help.
Please guide us in building a just and peaceful community for all.
Dear God
Thank you for making our world and for making us care about other people.
Thank you for making our houses and making gardens for us and creating animals and creating trees.
And thank you for making soldiers that fight for us and try to keep us safe.
In Jesus name