Spark Joy
Friday 8th April was ‘The Day of the Skip’ and by early afternoon it was full. This was the culmination of several weeks of sorting by the Church and Hampstead Players decluttering teams. The day before we took over the Gregory and Allatson rooms to spread it all out and plan how the skip would be loaded. I discovered Jon Siddall’s amazing spatial awareness skills as he co-ordinated the loading of the skip. Not an inch was wasted! Some things were definitely ready to go, like the one handled wheel barrow and others like the bride and groom from the Spring Fair – we remembered the fun we had with it and then said goodbye.
A big thank you to all who helped with our Spark Joy decluttering project. Jon Siddall and Maggie Willmer who coordinated the Hampstead Players part of the exercise and Sue Kwok who gave up several days to help with decluttering, freecycling and recycling, Judy East who is a fount of knowledge (and stopped us throwing away important pieces), Sue Kirby who put things on eBay, and Bettina Schmidgall and Ursula Rasmussen who went through the children’s resources.
A lot of confidential paper work still needs to be shredded and a big thank you to Peter Ginnings for going through masses of files.
More work is still to be done on sorting the Undercroft and then we can look at how best to store our resources and other materials.
A big thank you to the cleaning team who came in on the Saturday to hoover up all the dust and dirt we had created.
Our beautiful Church is God’s house to be cherished and kept tidy and free of clutter. Right now it feels lighter and tidier and that Spark’s Joy