Stations of the Cross
This Lent we are again using Stations of the Cross made by members of the congregation, some of them going back so many years they have become old friends. Following Essy Sparrow’s delightful, intimate, drawings, it seemed appropriate this year to go for something bigger. Praying the Stations as a group has been reinstated now we all feel safer being together. Booklets are available to help focus your thoughts if you go round on your own; the group sessions are held every Thursday from 1pm to about 1.30pm. There’s also a board near the 7thstation where you can share your thoughts on any or all of them. Perhaps you feel close to Jesus in the garden, surrounded by flowers, his disciples asleep nearby, or flinch at the cruel thorns in the crown; or do the hammer and nail bring home the stark brutality of the nailing to the cross …… whatever your thoughts we’d love to hear from you.