The Community Choir concert on 10th March
Suzanne Pinkerton
The word Community has never seemed more appropriate than the concert the Community Choir has just given. And how it has blossomed since it started! Friends among the singers told me how much they loved singing Vivaldi and, as a Vivaldi fan, I very much agreed with them.
And the instrumental accompaniment of 2 violins and cello was a great addition, particularly the lady who played cello solos. I am sorry I cannot tell you her name, as the string players were not mentioned by name, which I thought was a pity, as there were only three of them, plus super-busy Joshua on the chamber organ.
It was so good to see the quite large audience too – no doubt all the choir asked friends and family to come. The choir still could do with more gentlemen but those who are there give their all, and both they and the ladies looked very smart in their black outfits with scarlet scarves.
Speaking of smart, we’re all familiar with Aidan Coburn’s work as a singer, but it was very intriguing to see him conduct a work like this. The first half of the concert consisted of him singing classic examples of solo songs of the period, well chosen to show notable figures like Dowland and Purcell. And yes, he was elegantly suited and booted for the occasion. His mum was there to cheer him on.
Vivaldi was known as the Red Priest, not that he ever practiced as one but because of his red hair. In hospital recently we had a male nurse from Venice with blazing red hair, and beard and a tattoo right up one arm, called Niccolo. So the are still around. A happy atmosphere for all!
The Concert raised over £2600.00 with match funding for Food Bank Aid. This is a grassroots charity whose amazing volunteers have made it the success it is today. They work by linking food bank managers in a network where they can share expertise and redistribute excess items and offload fresh goods. That way nothing is wasted. If you’d like to find out more about Food Bank Aid, and maybe even volunteer with them, check out their website or email them at [email protected] “ and their logo if you want to use it.