The Junior Church Passion Play
On Passion Sunday Junior Church performed their annual Passion Play. It is usually in the graveyard as the actors move between the graves to sites representing different parts of the Passion. This year it was raining, but that didn’t stop the play. The venue moved to the Parish Rooms and the play was enacted between the different Parish Rooms. I was part of the crowd. It was a very beautiful and moving experience. Margaret Pritchard Houston and Edward Armstrong set the scene with their narration and there were background side effects and music to set the mood. This is an ingenious theatre group and there were last minute recruitment of actors as angels at the Resurrection and Collins (Graham and Anouk’s dog) had a walk on part as the donkey. The actors were all wonderful and Harry was a sympathetic and powerful Jesus. A big thank you to everyone who took part, especially Jess Mathur who put it all together and Andrew Penny who provided a lot of the props and costumes. I hope I am invited again next year!