Traidcraft Christmas Shopping
Although our Traidcraft stall isn’t operating at the moment you can still get Traidcraft supplies for Christmas through another local supplier, Marion Hill. Please support her because all the profits will go to the Traidcraft Foundation that supports farming initiatives in the Third World, which is not the case with Traidcraft products bought at the supermarket.
Marion advises –
“If you live within safe delivery/collection range of Belsize Park* and would like to buy Fairtrade groceries or sweet treats, Christmas or general cards or a selection of Fairly Traded gifts please ask to see what might be available.
You can view a more or less current stock list (there have been some sales since) at
I can also supply an illustrated list of cards and photos of my selection of bamboo socks.
Traidcraft products can also be ordered directly from and you can view the Christmas catalogue at
At this pre-Christmas stage it will probably not be possible for me to take orders which would require my placing orders with Traidcraft as I would normally do through the year. But I will happily endeavour to meet orders from the stock I hold in Belsize Park.
I met 2 separate customers at Swiss Cottage Farmers’ Market on Wednesday and could walk to e.g. Hampstead Parish Church, St Dominic’s Priory or St Mary’s Primrose Hill.
You can contact Marion through the Parish Office