The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

Church chat



It’s 2 pm. Select hat. Drape scarf nicely. Keys. Check. Identity (just in case). Check. Stick (alas). Check. And off I go.

On a lucky day, who should come bouncing down the road but Scooby. Who? He and his older lady companion belong to a very monsyllabic gentleman who lives up the road. They are King Charles spaniels. Scooby takes no notice of rules. Social distancing? Pah! And he nearly has my hand for lunch.

Moving on. ..Perhaps Monty and his jolly owners will be around. Monty is the smallest dachshund in the world. He is about 12 inches long. He used to hate my hats with a passion, but he has now decided if he’s put on the rock garden he will lick my hand. I’m in!

By now, I’ve advanced to the top of the road. A quick sniff at Tim and Julia’s roses and its heigh ho for Platts Lane. As you round the corner, a great sky opens before you, with wonderful clouds. I am looking out for the gentleman I think of as Mr Labrador. The Lab, which is yellow, and very large, likes a lot of – shall we say? comfort stops, and he keeps his owner busy.

Passing various busy builders, including one who always wears a piratical bandana, I reach the top of Briardale Gardens. Briardale Gardens is Arts and Crafts (and how!). You can tell it’s posh because people grow flowers in the tops of their stone walls. Jasper and Charlie might be out – they’re Cavaliers (bigger size breed than Scooby), and brothers. They’re always full of gallantry! At number 19, I always wave, if she is there, to the nice girl I think of as Ms Computer – and it’s a nice little touch. She sits in her bow window working at her computer – she’s been doing it for weeks. Briar Cottage has the prettiest garden, and I know the owner, so I can tell her.

And before I know where I am, it’s down to the main road, and a hope of seeing Violet, the Dalmatian puppy, but she is a big girl now and can go on the Heath.

The only place I am going is to sit down! And have a nice big coffee. And then it’s all to do again tomorrow.

Where did I hear that advice Keep Moving. . .?