Ways of helping AgeUK Camden and news of how they are bridging the Digital Divide
The Digital Divide:
Prior to the pandemic, some older people were not interested in accessing digital services or getting online, however that is changing. Use of technology is now an important component for many people to keep in touch and access services so they can lead a thriving life and maintain their pre-COVID-19 independence.

Age UK Camden has continued to support those unable to access digital solutions by providing training & telephone support throughout the pandemic on a case by case basis. This has included distributing equipment, training and problem solving. From 1st February 2021, our one-to-one gadget clinics will be returning. These sessions will take place on Monday afternoons, and will be a dedicated time to learn or enhance digital skills, supported by a volunteer tutor. These sessions provide the perfect opportunity to help older people unlock their digital potential!
If you or someone you know needs help with learning how to use Zoom or WhatsApp, or if you were given a new smartphone for Christmas and want to know how to make the most of it, do sign-up to a Gadget Clinic by emailing: [email protected] or calling 020 7239 0400 to book a place. For more information, visit: www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/our-services/it-training
How you can help us:
Fundraising continues to be a vital part of ensuring we can continue to do what we do. We have just launched our ‘Donate a Cuppa’ campaign, encouraging people to support our older generation by donating to our campaign: www.justgiving.com/campaign/donateacuppaAgeUKCamden
Quality Pre-loved items, donation drive! With our Charity Boutique now online and our Shop in Leather Lane shut due to the current restrictions we are asking those in and around the Hampstead area to donate quality pre-loved items to our drop off point at Henderson Court.
Items we need:
- Pre-loved designer clothes and accessories in a saleable condition.
- Leisurewear in good, saleable condition.
- Fashion, art and design, and autobiographical ‘coffee table’ books and magazines.
- Shoes and trainers in good condition.
- Vinyl records.
Due to limited space, please only donate one bag per person. You can drop items off at Henderson Court Monday-Friday between 3-4pm. Please do not leave items outside Henderson Court as they could be damaged or thrown away.
Do Stay in Touch: Please sign up to our regular newsletter – we would love to keep in touch with you. www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/get-involved/email/
And last but not least thank you again. You continue to support us on a daily basis and in addition there have been several times over this past year where we have turned to you for help and you have always been there. It has meant such a lot to us and to those we look after.
With best wishes,
Nikki (Morris)CEO Age UK Camden.