The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

Church chat

Where is God in this pandemic?


Lockdown and the Covid pandemic has affected us all in many different ways. For many people it has been a sad, difficult and uncertain time. For others the uncertainty has also been a time of reflection.

Earlier this year members of the congregation were invited to think about where they found God in this pandemic and to create a square to reflect this. Margaret Pritchard Houston has put these squares together and created a beautiful altar cloth for the Lady Chapel. In this creative way members of the congregation have placed their reflections before God, in a space that is important to them.

The background is green, the colour of Ordinary Time and it will stay in the Lady Chapel for the rest of Ordinary Time this year. Around the edge Margaret has put squares from the fabric she has been using to create face masks. Through the centre is the Cross.

Please do come and look at it when the church is open.