From My Window
This is the view from my upstairs window. It is also the view from my Cross Trainer; that’s not something I thought I would ever say three months ago. I would normally use the Cross Trainer once a week at my gym, because my back prevents me from running, but seeing Lockdown looming, I decided to buy one for myself to keep on top of aerobic exercise, particularly if the Spring weather proved bad. During the Pandemic use has in fact been sporadic, varying from once a week to every other day and I have found it very cathartic.
We have also been surrounded by scaffolding since March 16th. It’s the same throughout the house, making it dark and bringing a whole new meaning to the word ‘Lockdown’. We do literally feel that we are in lockdown here – access to the garden has been compromised, and it feels oppressive. I can’t wait to fling open the French windows downstairs on a sunny day. Now that the decorators are back privacy is compromised too.
But beyond the scaffolding is our garden which has been a great blessing; a symbol of life beyond the Pandemic, of growth, exploration and creativity. Praise God that he is with us in all things; here’s to the removal of the scaffolding and to happier days!