Christingle and waiting for the Light of the World
The Christingle Service on Sunday 4th December was wonderful. Esther Fitzgerald and her team had created an amazing wreath over the entrance with a star to welcome us and remind us that we are waiting for the Light of the World. Alice and Angela Gardner had beautifully decorated the tree in time for the schools carol concerts, including with decorations from the Craft Fair. And then there was the service. Never before have we had a large, orange, live Christingle! Graham executed his role with much aplomb as he led the congregation in creating their own Christingles, which was organised by Jess Mathur.
The orange symbolises the world, the red tape around it the enfolding love that Christ has for us, the sweets all the good things Christ gives us and the candle the light that he brings to the world, which we wait for during Advent.
The collection went to the Children’s Society, one of the charities the church supports and who created the Christingle service as a joyful celebration that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope.
And there was more. The Junior Choir organised a cake sale during coffee after the service, the proceeds from which also went to the Children’s Society
A truly joy filled Sunday