Junior Church News
Jess Mathur
This month we were delighted to see the re-launch of the young peoples’ group. Convened by Jan and Graham and hosted at Jan’s flat, this group of super teens met for their inaugural meeting to make plans and discuss aspirations for future meet-ups. Before too long, they will be raising funds for charity, solving the climate crisis and making inroads into world peace, all fuelled by a diet of Nando’s and gossip. Anyone in Year 9 or above is welcome to join them on the 1st and 3rd Sundays evenings of the month.
Meanwhile, in the under 5s groups we had a Dad’s Takeover, as dads James and Stefan lead the group for the first time. The tech was stepped up to new heights with a slide show and video showing to add to the usual music and playtime. Well done and thank you, gentleman.
The over 5’s group has been boosted by new regular helper Bea Davey, who is helping out as part of her Duke of Edinburgh Award volunteering. It was also great to have Helen Evans back at the helm, ably assisted by daughter Miranda. Collectively they produced the beautiful tree now on display in the Junior Church corner where you will also find Naomi’s Davey’s lovely Junior Church banner.
Looking ahead, we are busily preparing for the Christingle All Age Eucharist. In recognition that young children enjoy nothing more than a fire hazard in a 300 year old building, we will once again be making our Christingles together in church, whilst also raising money for the Children’s Society – a really excellent cause.
Sessions to come in November include Crown making for Christ the King, and advent activities. Come and join us!